List of Tamil words in Meroitic language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Meroitic language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Meroitic language was spoken in Meroë (in present-day Sudan) during the Meroitic period (attested from 300 BCE) and became extinct about 400 CE. It was written in two forms of the Meroitic alphabet: Meroitic Cursive, which was written with a stylus and was used for general record-keeping; and Meroitic Hieroglyphic, which was carved in stone or used for royal or religious documents. It is poorly understood, owing to the scarcity of bilingual texts.
Meroitic is an extinct language also referred to in some publications as Kushite after the apparent attested endoethnonym Meroitic qes, qos (transcribed in Egyptian as k?š) The name Meroitic in English dates to 1852 where it occurs as a translation of German Meroitisch. The term derives from Latin Meroe, corresponding to Greek Μερ?η. These latter names are representations of the name of the royal city of Meroë of the Kingdom of Kush. In Meroitic, this city is referred to as bedewe (or sometimes bedewi), which is represented in ancient Egyptian texts as b?-r?-w? or similar variants

Clues to read Meroitic Words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Meroitic word , a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref- Meroitic word list by – Clyde A. Winters
English – Meroitc word – Tamil
*1. father- ab- appa
2.mother- ste -thaai
3.path / way- ato- thadam ; paathai / path .
*4. suitable- ato- oththa
5.water- ato- thanni ; utham ; amuthu .
*6. give- d- thaa
7.give the offering- d- padai
* place- di/ te – idu
9.holy pillar- dd- thooya thoon ;thooya- pure/ sacred; thoon- pillar ; thooya muttu thadi ; muttu thadi- supporting wood .
10.donation- do- thaayam ; dhaanam [Skt] . complete-do – mudi command- et- aanai idu ;aanai – command; idu- make.
*13. command- en – aanai
*14. gift- el- ali
*15. abode -ik- akam
16.ask permission- ke- kaekka / to ask
*17. duty- kdi – kadamai ; kadan .
*18. much / many- mek – mikka
19.soul- ml – ullam; letters are in reversed order.
20.lord- mk- makinan
*21. a Meroitic god- Amani /Mni -Amman; Muni.
22.good- ne -nanmai truth – ne –unmai
24.shining- ni- minna
* desire- ns- nasai/ desire
26.god- nk – anakan ; nikaayan .
*27. produce- ok- aakku
28.make- k- aakku
*29. creation- qe-aakkam
*30. creator- qene- aakkiyoan
*31. praise- pt- paadu; thuthi .
*32. city – ir- uoor
*33. he is alone- stelo – oththaiyil / alone low- stelo – thaazhmai
35.equal- sm- samam ; oppumai .
36.anoint- sb-poosu ; letters are in reversed order.
* t - ithu
*38. he / she- t- athu burn- tsh – thee idu ; thee – fire; idu- make
* investigate- tek- thookku ; soathikka [Skt] ;aainthiduka . kindle/ stimulate- to- thoondu